Think Before You Send: A Practical Guide to Email in the Workplace

Are you doing enough email risk training?

Can you improve your corporate governance of e-communication?

Are your employees creating liability for your organization by sending inappropriate emails?

Is your organization doing enough to protect itself from becoming the next victim of email carelessness?

Electronic Discovery is the biggest development in corporate litigation in decades. Email surveillance products can now easily scan millions of emails, including their attachments, to gather ammunition in a court battle.

You must be aware that it is now likely that your organization's emails will be reviewed during litigation.

Winner Human Resource Executive Magazine's Top Training Products

The program is the first we've seen addressing such a comprehensive array of false assumptions about email that are common in the workplace, assumptions that can cause serious trouble for an employee or organization, ranging from lawsuits to public relations disasters.

Since most employees don't realize that sending and receiving emails creates permanent records, this program is an efficient and consistent way to sensitize them to appropriate email practices. Employees can also relate to the realistic scenarios, which reinforce many do's and don'ts.
- Human Resource Executive Magazine

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